Bauer Nutrition

Sunday, September 18, 2016

4 Diet Tips for Vegetarians

Just because someone is a vegetarian doesn’t mean he or she can easily lose weight. As a matter of fact, many vegetarians are obese. There are many things to know if they want to lose weight fast. Weight reduction isn’t an easy matter. Vegetarians should follow these tips if they want to be successful in losing weight.1. Chia Seeds and Nuts
Vegetarians are allowed to eat snacks. However, they must be picky. Both chia seeds and nuts are the best option. They can make stomach full longer. Not to mention they provide ample energy throughout the day. Before eating, people should include chia seeds into the food. The seeds may absorb the liquid. Soon, they expand so that people can feel full longer after eating.
Chia seeds are full of nutrients including Omega 3 fatty acids. These are important nutrients to increase good fats inside the body. As the result, people can burn fat better.

2. Skipping Processed Foods
Vegetarians always avoid processed foods. It’s a good thing. However, many of them fail to maintain that habit. They start eating processed foods. As the result, they become fat and unhealthy. These people should focus on fruits, vegetables, and whole foods. Unlike processed foods, healthy diets don’t contain much sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats.
Junk foods are addictive. On top of that, these are high in calories. Vegetarians should take advantage of whole foods instead. These are satisfying and healthy. Plus, they are high in water, fiber, and nutrients. Fruits and vegetables empty slowly in the digestive system. That means people will feel full longer.

3.Increase Vegetarian Protein Intake
Protein helps the body lose and maintain weight. There are many good vegetarian proteins to consume such as tofu, eggs, tempeh, and beans. They are useful to either reduce or maintain weight. Needless to say, protein helps the body build muscle.
Quality vegetarian proteins can help people increase their metabolism as well. That means people can burn more calories with it. As the result, they can feel fuller after eating.
The body burn more calories when digesting protein. The result is way much better when the body digests fats or carbohydrates. Protein also increases muscles. More lean muscle mass improves the metabolism.

4. Get the Right Diets
There are many types of vegetarian diets. These include poultry, meat, and fish. Still, there are various types of vegetarians.
  • For lacto-vegetarian, they must avoid several diets such as eggs, poultry, fish, and meat. They can consume butter, yogurts, cheese, and milk instead.
  • For pollotarian, they must avoid fish, dairy, and meat. However, they can eat poultry.
  • For vegan, they must exclude dairy products, eggs, fish, poultry, and meat.


    Being a vegetarian is both challenging and fun. People can easily avoid eating junk food as they focus on fruits, vegetables, and other high-fiber foods. They also consume whole foods. The problem is that many vegetarians eat carelessly without any consideration. As the result, they gain more calories and fats. It will be hard to reduce weight if they don’t change their habits. Weight loss is a process, after all

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