Bauer Nutrition

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

The Side Effects of Ginger and Contraindications

Herbalists and wellness experts recommend regulating the use of ginger. Although it delivers a myriad of health benefits, high doses of ginger may be detrimental to health too. If taken in large amounts, ginger may cause heartburn, gas, nausea, stomach distress, bloating, and nausea to name a few. People suffering from ulcers, gallstones, inflammatory conditions, bleeding problems, and expecting mothers should never use ginger. In addition, those under blood-thinning medications are advised to stay away from ginger too!

The Side Effects of Ginger

The herbal plant, ginger has been used for thousands of years in cooking applications and as an important herbal medicine in many Asian countries. It is one of the most widely used herbal plan in modern healing.

Based on Ayurvedic traditions, ginger is considered to be the most “sattvic” of spices and is an essential herb in the treatment of many serious conditions.

Ginger boasts the following properties:
  • bitter taste
  • hot potency
  • pungent after effect
  • mild and unctuous property

Ginger is considered a universal medical that cures a wide variety of ailments and diseases. Due to its hot properties, ginger prevents the development and accumulation of toxins in the body. It is also being used as a natural remedy for food poisoning, and is an important ingredient to detoxify the body from drugs and other harmful compounds.

Although beneficial, ginger may also cause harm especially if taken in large doses. Herbalists advise that ginger intake should not exceed 4 grams per day. If taken in large doses, it may cause unwanted conditions such as intestinal issues including bloating, gas, nausea, and heartburn to name a few. In addition, increased intake f ginger may also potentiate the effects of warfarin or Coumadin therapy, especially when taken in powder form.

People who should not consume ginger
  • People suffering from ulcers/ inflammatory conditions

Unchewed fresh ginger may result in intestinal blockage. People with history of ulcer, inflammatory bowel disorder, and blocked intestinal tract is most likely to react negatively to large concentrations of fresh ginger.

  • People with gallstones

Ginger has adverse effects on people diagnosed with gallstones. It is generally contraindicated among those who have gallstones as ginger is proven to increase bile production.

  • Bleeding disorders

Ginger increases circulatory processes and enhances blood flow while simultaneously preventing blood clots. With this in mind, it can therefore increase the risk of bleeding, especially among those have suffer from bleeding disorders or are taking any medications that slow down the rate of blood clotting.

  • Pregnant women

Expecting mothers should use ginger with caution as it may cause sudden uterine contractions. It’s also proven to interfere with the absorption of iron and fat-soluble vitamins. It is best to seek the recommendation of a doctor before using ginger as part of diet or as supplement. Ginger tea is highly contraindicated during the final weeks of pregnancy as it increases bleeding risk.

  • Pre-operative patients

According to an article published, using ginger around the time of surgery or before surgery can increase the risk of bleeding during surgical procedures. If you are about to undergo surgery, it is best to avoid drinking ginger-infused tea at least two weeks before the scheduled operation.

  • Interaction with certain medications

It is wise to consult with your doctor before including ginger tea as part of your wellness regime, as it is known to interact with certain medications. It should ever be used by patients taking anticoagulants, beta-blockers, barbiturates, insulin drugs, and those who are under anti-platelet therapy. Ginger usually interacts with certain drugs, such as antacids, as it stimulates the production of acid in the stomach. It is possible for ginger to affect other medications indicated for the heart, antihistamines, cancer treatments, and weight loss drugs.