Bauer Nutrition

Thursday, September 22, 2016

The Dangers of Using Sunscreen and Natural Ingredients to Protect the Skin from Sun Damage

Products that are applied on the skin penetrate deep within and enter the bloodstream in as fast as 30 seconds. There are ingredients found in most sunscreen products that are identified to be linked to hormonal problems and cancer. In this article, we will discuss some all-natural remedies that will protect the skin from the sun’s UV rays.

There are about 2 million Americans diagnosed with skin cancer every year. Although people’s awareness have increased greatly in the past few years, and have started to wear sunscreen, the incidence rate of skin cancer is still growing worldwide.

The harmful effects of conventional sunscreen

According to a research conducted by the Environmental Working Group, traditional sunscreen causes the following problems:

  • Some sunscreens over the counter contain toxic ingredients that are easily absorbed into the bloodstream
  • Some ingredients are known to cause toxicity to the cells
  • There are ingredients induce the release of free radicals when exposed to sunlight
  • Certain ingredients function like estrogen and disrupt hormone production and overall function

The Food and Drug Administration has not yet formulated safety standards in the production of sunscreen ingredients. This skincare product hasn’t been regulated since 1978 in the United States.

Based on research studies, conventional sunscreen contain harmful chemicals such as methoxycinnamate, oxybenzone, and PABA- estrogenic chemicals that are linked to cancer.

Sun exposure does not cause cancer

The sun is important to building health and wellness. Without the sun, plants wouldn’t be able to grow and the immune system will surely breakdown from lack of Vitamin D3. This specific vitamin is crucial in developing a well functioning hormonal and immune system.

Vitamin D3 is proven to help boost immune system functioning, aids in fighting cancer development, and is a natural mood enhancer too.

Types of Sunscreens

There are basically two types of sunscreen namely mineral and non-mineral sunscreen, and there are also those that combine these two.

Non-mineral sunscreen
  • deeply penetrates the skin
  • disrupts the production of hormones
  • releases free radicals once they are broken down
  • irritating to the skin leading to allergic reactions

Oxybenzone is one of the most common ingredients found in sunscreens. Medical experts contraindicate the use of sunscreen that contains this chemical especially among children as it is known to cause hormonal issues. This is especially true among women who are suffering from hormonal imbalance.

Mineral sunscreen
  • contains zinc and titanium
  • do not breakdown upon exposure to sunlight
  • absorbed by the body so they do not disrupt the body’s hormonal functioning
  • more effective in blocking UV rays than non-mineral sunscreen

Mineral-based sunscreen lotions and sprays are best for children. They have excellent safety profiles and can be used on a regular basis.

Safety precautions when exposed to the sun

Do not let your skin get burned by prolonged exposure to sunlight. Make sure to have adequate exposure to sunlight as this activity is proven to decrease the risk of certain types of cancer.

  1. Allow 20 minutes of direct sunlight exposure on your skin.
  2. If you are going to be under the sun, wear light clothing.
  3. Do not use sunscreens that contain oxybenzone. According to research, this is a compound that disrupts hormone functioning.
  4. Replace chemical-based sunscreen that features zinc oxide-based sun blocks. These can have long-lasting protection without the unwanted harmful ingredients.
  5. Eat food items rich in antioxidants. Foods rich in vegetables, fruits, olive oil and dietary supplements containing Vitamins E and C as well as carotenoids have sun-protective benefits that can fight off oxidative damage.

The Skin Benefits of Seaweed

Women are now inspired to use natural skincare products featuring organic ingredients that are proven to be both effective and safe. An increasing number of wellness companies are infusing seaweeds into their natural skincare and beauty products as it helps in promoting an ageless glow. Consumers are now geared towards the use of natural ingredients such as seaweed that can refresh, replenish, and recharge the skin cells.

Advantages of Using Seaweed in Skincare
  • Seaweeds that are harvested from the ocean floor contain high doses of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are proven to be beneficial to the skin.
  • Bathing or soaking your skin on seaweed products brings about soothing effects. In addition, seaweeds replace the minerals in the body and feature potent detoxifying effects that effectively get rid of harmful toxins from the body.
  • Seaweed boasts antioxidants that protect the skin from the damage caused by free radicals. They also work well in the treatment of common skin conditions such as eczema, acne, and psoriasis.
  • Seaweed is popularly used for its anti-aging and anti-cellulite properties thus making it the best ingredient to use to improve the overall look and healthy of the skin.
  • It’s the best solution if you desire well-nourished skin.

Finally Get Rid Of Those Few Extra Pounds with Oatmeal Water

According to the Food and Drug Administration, oatmeal is an excellent addition to a healthy diet. Besides the high nutritional content of oatmeal, it also plays a crucial role in efficient regulation of metabolism. It is also a great appetite suppressant, and weight loss aid.

Step-by-step Guide in Making Oatmeal Water

What you need:

  • 2 liters of water
  • I cinnamon stick
  • 1 cup oatmeal

What to do:

  • Combine 1 cup of oatmeal with 1 glass of water
  • Blend well
  • Add the cinnamon stick or you may also choose to add the a sweetening agent of your choice
  • Strain the mixture
  • Refrigerate the mixture and drink

How does Oatmeal Water Help in Reducing Waist Size?

Excellent detox mix
Oatmeal features amino acids that stimulate the production of lecithin in the liver, thus purifying the body. It also aids in the elimination of toxic substances which may have accumulated over time.

Oatmeal also functions as a diuretic, thus it prevents the body from retaining high amounts of fluid.

Low calorie
It is a low calorie food item, but can satiate hunger too. It is filled with nutrients as evidenced by its high concentration of Vitamins A, B5, Iron, Calcium, Magnesium, and dietary fibers.

Digestive Aid
It improves digestion by increasing the rate of nutrient absorption. Oatmeal successfully reduces gastric acids and facilitates in fast digestion of food items. Lastly, oatmeal also delivers relief from constipation.

Always start your day with oatmeal water and on an empty stomach. Consumer this on a regular basis and combine it with balanced diet and exercise for best results.